The Insights Center features ideas, tools and resources on applying behavioral science to causes worth caring about. It includes the tools and thinking developed over nearly two decades of building behavior change campaigns and products. We hope they help you and your cause with the art and science of using behavior to spark real change.
GoBilingual Campaign Brings Affordable Healthcare Access to Texas
Facing real barriers to Affordable Care Act enrollment among low-income Texas residents, the St. David’s Foundation tasked Marketing for Change with conducting open enrollment outreach in English and Spanish to drive signups at

Armed with previous research showing perceived financial inaccessibility, fear-mongering around immigration status, and reluctance to entering the personal information required to get a premium quote on the federal Health Insurance Marketplace, Marketing for Change created a quick, user-friendly calculator to help uninsured residents assess the cost of insurance, providing an immediate reward before visiting To address the concerns of immigrant communities, we partnered with trusted local leaders to produce a series of live-action videos in Spanish and English and testimonials from residents who had successfully obtained insurance. Our digital ads and user-friendly social media toolkit allowed a broad group of partners to customize messaging and further promote the tool.

Increased Engagement and Access
Ultimately, the premium calculator moved the target audience to action, far exceeding conversion benchmarks of 2.5% for health-related sites with more than 8% of all traffic to the site coming from those either checking premium estimates or shopping plans on